Home > Artworks > Patricia Marín Valera

Photo of Patricia Marín Valera Spain

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Since long ago, when I had not even decided to study photography, I was fascinated by this world of lights, shapes and contrasts. My time was devoted to mix colors in the palette and capture on canvas what I do with my camera now. The impatience and the desire to see...

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19.69 x 39.37 in
11.81 x 15.75 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
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Since long ago, when I had not even decided to study photography, I was fascinated by this world of lights, shapes and contrasts. My time was devoted to mix colors in the palette and capture on canvas what I do with my camera now. The impatience and the desire to see the results I separate from the full tip brushes to capture and process images with new technologies.

I thank those who taught me to educate my eye, those who supported me to go back to school and they gave me the opportunity to portray them and believed in me as a professional.

0in; mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none "> Now I just ask continue to keep the same desire and enthusiasm to continue learning this art.


2007 Photos Peña Practices

Shop assistant and retouching Artefoto 2007-08

mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none "> ACADEMIC TRAINING

Photography Technician 08/07/2006

School of Art Talavera de la Reina.


1995 Technical Assistant in Office

Computer Academy Arenal, Madrid

2004 Web Page Design

Talavera technology school

2009 Graphic Design. average

Gun Academy, Talavera de la Reina


- Reports wedding, large format digital album

- Report on Baptism, reminders and assemblies

- Reports of Communion, reminders and assemblies

- Family Portraits

- Reconstruction and reproduction of old photographs

- Collaboration on tour to Talavera catalog

- Collaboration with Association Always Elvis in concerts and fashion shows.

mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none "> - 1st prize in photography contest for Equality between men and women of Calera and Booths.

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